I did a research paper on this "back in the day" for a college class. I came across this very same fact. I was young and dumb, and I had no idea about the politics around energy. Thankfully, the young internet back then was not yet cucked. Search engines actually supported advanced search terms and returned unmolested results. Anyway...
Starting very soon after petroleum was used as major energy source, they started predicting and fear mongering running out of oil. Every 10 to 15 years they would stoke the fears again.
First it was fears of a finite supply. "there is only so much, we are going to run out!". At least at the time, there was no major oil well that actually went dry. Even wells they thought went dry, they went back to them a few years later and found they were replenished. They eventually figured out that if they throttled their pumping a little, the wells pretty much flowed continuously.
Why? Because the earth was actively producing oil. It wasn't dead t-rex's.
Once they had to admit this, it turned into "peak oil!! reeEEEEee!!". The theory that consumption was going to out pace the creation of new oil.
When that didn't work, they tried the ozone and acid rain to stop the use of oil.
And when that lie ultimately failed, they came up with the ingenious idea that CO2 was a pollutant. It was ingenious because they capitalized on the fact we were coming out of The Little Ice Age (climate was warming naturally... at the time), and they leveraged fear and ignorance and then blamed it on an odorless colorless gas that nearly all forms of energy creates.
Its beyond that. CO2 makes plants utilize water and nutrients more efficiently. It is causing the greening of the deserts. The low levels we were at in the little ice age was bordering on gaian collapse - had the natural processes that control CO2 presence in the atmosphere continued to be a net negative for another 50-100 years, we wouldnt have been able to grow enough to eat. Natural plants would have all-but died out, which would have decimated all the complex animals on the food chain.
Here we are, scarcely 2.5x above the catastrophe line and at 0.1x of the level it has been in earths past and the "experts" bible thump that we are all going to die - while doing everything they possibly could to ruin anyone who dared bring up facts to challenge them with.
I did a research paper on this "back in the day" for a college class. I came across this very same fact. I was young and dumb, and I had no idea about the politics around energy. Thankfully, the young internet back then was not yet cucked. Search engines actually supported advanced search terms and returned unmolested results. Anyway...
Starting very soon after petroleum was used as major energy source, they started predicting and fear mongering running out of oil. Every 10 to 15 years they would stoke the fears again.
First it was fears of a finite supply. "there is only so much, we are going to run out!". At least at the time, there was no major oil well that actually went dry. Even wells they thought went dry, they went back to them a few years later and found they were replenished. They eventually figured out that if they throttled their pumping a little, the wells pretty much flowed continuously.
Why? Because the earth was actively producing oil. It wasn't dead t-rex's.
Once they had to admit this, it turned into "peak oil!! reeEEEEee!!". The theory that consumption was going to out pace the creation of new oil.
When that didn't work, they tried the ozone and acid rain to stop the use of oil.
And when that lie ultimately failed, they came up with the ingenious idea that CO2 was a pollutant. It was ingenious because they capitalized on the fact we were coming out of The Little Ice Age (climate was warming naturally... at the time), and they leveraged fear and ignorance and then blamed it on an odorless colorless gas that nearly all forms of energy creates.
Its beyond that. CO2 makes plants utilize water and nutrients more efficiently. It is causing the greening of the deserts. The low levels we were at in the little ice age was bordering on gaian collapse - had the natural processes that control CO2 presence in the atmosphere continued to be a net negative for another 50-100 years, we wouldnt have been able to grow enough to eat. Natural plants would have all-but died out, which would have decimated all the complex animals on the food chain.
Here we are, scarcely 2.5x above the catastrophe line and at 0.1x of the level it has been in earths past and the "experts" bible thump that we are all going to die - while doing everything they possibly could to ruin anyone who dared bring up facts to challenge them with.