I know Q said to back up everything but I clearly didn’t. But now I can’t even search and find information.
Example 1: https://www.qanon.pub/#4902
I want some AC130 in my life but a ton of Q links are all dead.
Example 2: I used to be able to search Q related posts but now everything is anti Q, you will ruin your life if you follow Q, families torn apart, etc.
Which is totally false, it has brought my family closer and healthier.
Questions, cause I need help.
How do I search Q follower researchers sites only? For example, I enter keywords like a Google search and I get legit Q autist results only.
Example I want to search: “impetus|”breaking|tipping point” and I hope to find articles written on that subject.
Is there a site with Q posts like qanon.pub but has broken links working?
Side funny note, if I type duck duck go in my phone now, it always changed to ducksuckgo which seems more accurate of a name since it wicks so bad. But fails to load, obviously.
It is serendipitous that you say that. Last weekend I was talking about the very same thing.
Code and host your own personal search engine. Not for personal monetary gain but to get your own personal library card for checking out books prohibited by big brother.
It's just code spider crawling the web, right?
Edit: An even more evil thought to screw the DS and corporate gate keeps of information. Code it, test it, host it for youself and when successful, release a free how too for everyone in the world. A step by step how to guide in setting up a server and giving the code away for everyone to use.
Another example non-Google https://nocodehq.com/tutorial/1583488600144x511564797028335600
I think non-Google.
Yes. And funny enough, it would be funny to bend Google to only search sites I trust so, all that dumb crap would get filtered out. It would be worth the effort to try it because it would be all config I think and no coding. I’m not sure if they are smart enough to hide all sites.
I have built crawlers before and it’s fine if you limit the total number of sites. If I did that, first step would be to amass a list of Q-friendly domains.
I hate Google but they used to sell an appliance that you basically feed content and search results are limited only and optimized to that content. That’s what I would like though. Serverless appliance type setup ideal. But a cheap physical appliance in my home would be fine too.
Example https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/tutorial/creatingcse