The emperors new clothes. All these obsequious idiot's parroting this narrative in an attempt to keep the gaslight alive can't seriously look at this thing and see "beautiful, well dressed, stylish ". Whats more disgusting is that just as the naked king actually believed he looked wonderful in his new clothes, this man actually seems to think he's all these things. He looks like a Walmart shopper in Mississippi.
The emperors new clothes. All these obsequious idiot's parroting this narrative in an attempt to keep the gaslight alive can't seriously look at this thing and see "beautiful, well dressed, stylish ". Whats more disgusting is that just as the naked king actually believed he looked wonderful in his new clothes, this man actually seems to think he's all these things. He looks like a Walmart shopper in Mississippi.
You're being too kind....
What an insult to Mississippi Walmart shoppers.
thank you for visiting have been here or maybe even a resident because you know from which you speak