Weather you like Naomi Wolf or not she is honest and doesn't hesitate to call out her own side when they are wrong. (Remember she got banned from Twitter early on for calling the jabs dangerous and the whole COVID thing BS.)
From the close of her essay:
"I don’t like President Trump (Do I not? Who knows? I have been lied to about him so much for so long, I can‘t tell whether my instinctive aversion is simply the habituated residue of years of being on the receiving end of lies).
But I like the liars who are our current gatekeepers, even less.
The gatekeepers who lie to the public about the most consequential events of our time — and who thus damage our nation, distort our history, and deprive half of our citizenry of their right to speak, champion and choose, without being tarred as would-be violent traitors - deserve our disgust.
I am sorry the nation was damaged by so much untruth issued by those with whom I identified at the time.
I am sorry my former “tribe” is angry at a journalist for engaging in —- journalism.
I am sorry I believed so much nonsense.
Though it is no doubt too little, too late —
Conservatives, Republicans, MAGA:
I am so sorry."
To be fair, I've been listening to her on War Room for 2yrs and she is so buried in the COVID, Pfizer docs, and Fauci stuff, running lawsuits, running a team of 2,000 crowdsourced researchers going through the 500k+ pages of Pfizer docs, I'm not sure she really looked into or cared about J6. In the 2yrs on WarRoom I don't think I've ever heard her mention it once. I don't think it's necessarily that she hadn't realized J6 was fake, but that she just wasn't paying it any mind because it wasn't her lane. Most people who don't pay attention to this stuff were only exposed to the credible counter-narrative on J6 this week on Tucker.