FELLOW AMPHIBIANS! It's okay to feel grouchy about this never-ending, slow-motion horror show. We're all in this together. Frogs, be extra cozy with each other in the comments this week! Can you feel it? Something is just around the corner. It's about to get WEIRD!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
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Aw I'm sorry to hear u have been through so much and haven't truly felt complete with God. question for u if u don't mind...
If I had to recommend a starting point I would for sure choose new testament and I would start with John. It helps us understand Jesus in a deeper way which helps unlock many other things through out the bible. U sound like u have a good heart and are truly seeking. Keep at it. Don't lose faith. Jesus loves u more than u can ever know. I love u as well. Feel free to reach out whenever and share any and all things u might need to get off your chest