Theorycrafting - H1B visas 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by PompeiusMagnus ago by PompeiusMagnus +30 / -0

When you think of H1B visas, what nationality do you think of?

The US Government and tech companies spent decades recruiting and hiring a particular nationality, to the point where “tech job” is almost synonymous with this particular nationality.

If you were planning to stratify a society into good guys and deplorables, and were planning to use big tech to enforce it, what better nationality to recruit than one that comes from a society where “untouchable people” is already the norm.

Resulting in the tech workers being blind to the unconstitutionality of their actions, because it’s already normalized for them.

Just a Sunday afternoon shower thought…hoping to get everyone’s thoughts on this. Thanks!