None of this is possible without the absolute corruption of our government, from top to bottom. Those who are supposed to be looking out for the good of the country, the state, the county, the city and the people have sold us out. Take the time to check out the life style of all of our "public servants". How many live within the affordability limits of their salary and benefit packages? How many came from your neighbor hood and still live there? How do they become WEALTHY from 30 years of public service?
None of this is possible without the absolute corruption of our government, from top to bottom. Those who are supposed to be looking out for the good of the country, the state, the county, the city and the people have sold us out. Take the time to check out the life style of all of our "public servants". How many live within the affordability limits of their salary and benefit packages? How many came from your neighbor hood and still live there? How do they become WEALTHY from 30 years of public service?