Hey frens! Small intro. Been here for awhile. Long time researcher educating myself and as many people as I can. I have dropped many many red pills during this time. I have lost friends and family (temporarily) because they thought i was out of my mind.
However, things are changing. My ask to the community is finding some info regarding covid. Specifically, how it spreads. I have a few family members that are still quite afraid of covid and will double, even sometimes triple mask. In my attempts to help them (the masks do not really work)....the one piece of info I am really trying to lock in on is, does covid spread through the air? Obviously, if someone coughs in your face, that is one thing. But these particular family members are of the mind set that covid, hangs around in the air, like smoke that you can breathe in. Can anyone confirm this? Point me into the direction of a research showing how covid spreads?
I really appreciate all the help. It has been a long, tiring battle. Things are getting better and every piece of information I can provide and educate family and friends on, is another step closer to waking up more of the masses.
Thank you again! CHeers
I've watched various seemingly knowledgeable and high-level scientists and looked into at least one supposed study regarding the attempt to infect another person so that's about it. I'm open to watching this and always own to changing opinion.
if my name checks out:
"I now know I'm intelligent because I realize I know nothing" - Socrates (or something along these lines...quote is out there in slight variations and I've used "realize" for clarity)
It is possible we are both correct. It depends on definition.
From what I have gathered from people who actually do genetic coding, look into the microscope and use crisper technology (gene splicing tech), a virus defined, is a collection of spike proteins in a cellular sleeve. One protein will be programmed to attack the Ace 2 receptor, for instance, another will be coded to reproduce itself, another will attack the kidneys, another will attack the brain, etc.
What the evidence shows is, these world depopulating madmen are re-coding these individual proteins, putting them back into the entire sleeved packages and then sending them out into the wild.
You say tomato and I say tomato and some how we argue over the semantics of how to pronounce the word or that tomatoes even exist.
I just am trying to curb the flow of out right disinformation.