Most voters expect Ms van der Piss to protect the farmer's interests but she fully intends to enforce the nitrogen reduction plan, which is totally against their interests. Additionally, her financial sponsors are large conglomerates with troubling connections to Bayer and Monsanto. The party's secretary and treasurer run a marketing agency with Bayer and Monsanto as clients. When it became obvious that this has become public, Ms van der Piss declares 'anti-semitism', that these rumours are being spread by anti-semites. It would be easy enough to prove that she is not financially compromised but no, muh anti-semitism. What's going to happen when millions of people realise they've been tricked? Build Back Better?
(blaming anti-semites tweet)
This is what Adam Curry (who is Dutch as well as American, speaks the language, used to live there, has strong ties there, etc.) was saying on his No Agenda Show. BBB is BigAg + WEFfers, and the Dutch people have been tricked into voting them into power.
It's dastardly because despite gaining so many seats they will not be able to form a coalition and so not be able to table any motions, in power but powerless.
Some good news, BBB have actually got 17 seats so they may be able to form a coalition or at least, offer some resistance to a lefty coalition.