I hope God makes it an even three.
OK, let's clarify. "Keep Austin Weird" is a saying from like 15+ years ago. So ... Austin has been faggot Leftard land for a long time. This has accelerated since COVID, but, really... was Austin ever gonna go conservative? I think not.
Houston is Gibmedat territory from way back as well. Made worse by all of the Gibmigrants that they took from New Orleans and dropped into Houston after Hurricane Katrina. And I imagine Dallas has its share of Nancys and Karens too. Outside of these places? I don't know. If you do, plmk. I doubt much has changed outside of these places, but I could be wrong.
In any case, I would love to see a moratorium on immigration from one State to another. :) Especially if the migrant is a Democrat. Cuz they don't learn good. Those that vote that way are never going to change.
I do think that "You're not welcome here" messaging needs to start being practiced again.
Like this one:
This one hit the national news, but I am sure there are plenty of other examples.
I have seen State-wide assessments of the populace indicating what I claimed (that Idaho and some other States became more conservative after the COVD exodus from CA, OR and WA).
However, to your point, a small dedicated cadre of Leftards can make a big impact.
Most of the CA emigrants to these States have made these States more conservative than they were, because the first emigrants were the people who had all they could take of the Leftardism and finally said Basta! and left.
This next wave, if it happens, will contain a lot more Leftards.
Are you a Wise Latina?
That is a very good use of this information.
Oy gevalt!
The folks who do this need to be put down like rabid dogs.
Am pretty sure "UN debit card" just means he is one of the illegals that came up from Panama. Not to say it's not a problem. It's a huge problem. But this dude is most likely not Jason Bourne, Latino Edition.
... Smiles in 4473.
Yes to all of this, with the one proviso that I think a lot (all?) of cancer is caused by parasites of some kind (worms, etc.). To your point though, it could be "parasite brings in toxic process/chemical and alters behavior of mitochondria", in which case "we're both right", or something like that.
We are all also deficient in the other "metals" like selenium, potassium, boron, copper, etc. How serious are these deficiencies? In some cases, quite serious. I wish we had better science.
Finally, the last two that I found in my experience are that just because you don't live on a Spanish Galleon doesn't mean you don't have scurvy. Heh. I ramped up my Vitamin C and was shocked at how much things improved. And, the Bs are all important, and B1 in TTFD formulation really seems to help.
Good advice.
What these clowns did was to attack the messenger so they didn't have to really address the message.
I am no fan of Tommy Mossad Robinson. But the message remains that Pakistani rape gangs raped >250,000+ British girls over 20+ years and the police and the Crown Prosecution knew about it, and did sweet fuck all.
Everyone who was involved in these crimes needs to be fed to the crabs.
I think most of our models are simplistic and do not capture the un-obvious/2nd degree effects. That Which Is Seen and Unseen, as Bastiat said.
A right in the governmental sense is something you can compel, for no payment.
Therefore, no physical item can ever be a right, because that would require third party work to provide it to you, for no charge. Also called slavery.
Health care, food, water, shelter, etc. cannot be rights. An argument could be made that one has access to something. But never a right to receive the something.
First I ever heard of delta 8/9, and of the idea that CBD would be an "antidote to a bad trip".
The CBD idea is especially interesting to contemplate. Thank you for posting.
What I found out along the way is that statins also seem to be strongly correlated with developing dementia. Which I guess I should have known instinctively, since they "strip" cholesterol.
One of the biggest scams in history, it seems to me.
Good that you mention iodine and Vitamin D (I presume D3). Adding K2 to the D3 + a fat to drive absorption ramps up the effect even more, especially for getting any calcium out of the blood vessels and into the bones.
I think one of the real "conspiracies" we have, these days is the iodine story. Most people are very deficient in iodine.
This is just more of the Biden Adminstration shitting the bed for Trump to clean up.
Wonderful! Thank you very much.
Given what you've written here, I humbly request your preferred protocol for cleansing the body of parasites.
"At least twice a year" is a start. But what combination of "herbs and spices" are used to make The Colonel's special sauce? Ivermectin? Fenbendazole? Oregano oil? Silver? There are so many suggestions and also there are suggestions about combining remedies... it gets a little overwhelming to see through to how to do it and where to start.
A thread on it would be well-received on here. I am confident of that.
Thank you, fren.
Yep. That recall was 100% fucked up fugazi.
Man I'm 'bout to check out.
Pay my eighty bucks for six things and get the heck out.
"Heart Attack" is another favorite.