posted ago by Tynyyn ago by Tynyyn +68 / -0

Maybe there are single words in different Q posts, in the same line position, when strung together they make something of a sentence. Kinda like the [ ] letters within a Q post. Q posts 958, 959, 960, and 3895 dated March 21 . Look at the last words before the Q signiture. In 958 it is " [Wednesday] " .....959 it is " Nobody " .......960 it is " Panic "....and 3895 it is " Do Not Fear " .

So the message on March 21st is " Wednesday, Nobody Panic. Do not fear. "

I guess on Wednesday there will be something that happens, which probably means it is suppose to happen, set up by the White Hats, and Americans(i.e. based individuals) should not panic or have any kind of fearfulness. If something happens like the interwebs go down or television stations begin going off air or even a bank collapse, we need to remember that White Hats are in control and we should not panic but get ready for something to happen in the near future.

All I'm doing here is giving a WAG as to a possible decode. Maybe it will work, maybe not, but I thought the timeing and wording was pretty interesting.