Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, nice inspirational pic, but his "package" is still looking smaller than Big Mike's. :)

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

The left will spin this as lynching will begin for blacks. Yea, the left is that stupid and desperate to spin it against Trump.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

This article gave me a little bit more clarity of who JD is and what makes him tick. I'm glad he's against the military industrial complex and endless wars. I don't care if the rest of the world wants to kill each other, just leave America out of your conflict, whether its personel or finances.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Face diaper in his hand. Makes me wonder if this vid was taken during the first few days of his Presidency. I say this is either from four years ago or eight years ago.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

If he begins his speach with, " My fellow Americans " the we know......it's on!

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

How are you going to insure the Supreme Court will side with the people? They are a loose cannon and no one prognosticate what they will decide.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Heck, I'd take Sein Fein over the deep state. At least with SF you know where they stand and they do what they say they are going to do, whereas politicians lie constantly. Why doesn't SF go knock some heads and persuade the invaders to go home?

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm thinking this has been years in the making. Back to '62 or before. Q has guys on the inside of the Dems and they are feeding him info. Top level infiltration is how it seems. How easy would it be for a Q spy to blend in with the the idiots on the left and then start stirring the pot. We know this is an information war, thus Q needs good Intel so that is why I theorize he has guys and gals on the inside, plus ALL dems comms are being tapped. A wealth of info comes in from the libs having loose lips. As far as the Trump assassination attempt, it was either a botched leftist attempt or it was a Q op and had been in the works for a long time with lots of practice to make it come off as very reasonable that someone tried to kill Trump.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bath house Barry is probably the author. He knows a lot about lube.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bar soap, shampoo, plastic utensils and paper plates. Canned food: tuna, salmon, chicken, spaghetti noodles and cans of sauce. Rice, beans, maybe some mac and cheese. Cases of bottled water. Learn how to can with a pressure canner. Pricey initial cost but it is good to have just in case. Candles, matches, paper towels.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those single shot bottles of booze. About a buck apiece and you won't have to give up an entire fifth. No on the cigs because they expire quickly. Dollar General has a great deal on Scott toilet paper. 12 rolls for five dollars. Grab ten packages and you will be good for a month or two.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the information. I'm really surprised the PM just walks around the town and seems unconcerned for his safety. Plus i figured the body guards would do a better job of keeping "protesters" away from him. Hope Burke gets out of jail soon!

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

That boy needs to get off the ritalin. Too many prescribed drugs for ou youth and this is what happens. Kids need to be kids, their parents provide the guardrails, NOT DOCTORS. Maybe we need to deem doctors who prescribe drugs to kids individuals that should not be doctors.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Us Americans need a little back ground on this video. Is the guy in the white shirt licking the ice cream cone the politician? Who is he? At the first of the video the woman who has the camera in the bald dudes face, is the bald dude a politician or is he security? Are the guys in suits security? Why doesn't the politician keep walking so fast the yellow vested police officers cannot keep up with him. He is outpacing his security detail. I hope the Irish can get their country back and begin sending the African invaders back to their home countries.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

If he has demensia, wouldn't his signature change due to his declining mental state? Heck, wouldn't a signature change from your teen years to your golden years? Just saying, it probably was his signature and he did the best he could.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if AI's answer would be different if the question was asked about a Republican anchor baby.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like the left will ramp up the fake Covid narrative. What happens when a lot of people refuse to wear the masks? Will they be tossed in jail? I hope Q pulls the plug on electronic voting. We must make our mark on a sheet of real paper. The only way for that to happen is for the internet to go dark.

Tynyyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

THAT'S NOT NICE. The bruises were never that large. Plus where is the Chapstick tube?

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Would they explode a pocket nuke on American soil? Might not be the way to take out a political figure because the backlash will be very severe. The conservatives would go scorched Earth and the libs would crawl into a dark closet , suck their thumbs and weep for the planet. I can see a 105 howitzer round with sarin gas as the payload. Might want to put a radar over Trumps AO.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

You write very well with nice thought out ideas. I appreciate the time you've spent constructing your reply. To a point I agree with your sentiments, it is wrong in the eyes of the law, but if you take the law out of the equation then it's a hormone driven guy who just won the jackpot. On the other side is it were a 17 YO girl, as a father I'd probably take to offender out back for some up close and personal justice. We protect the women, while the boys have to endure hardships so they can learn how to defend the girls. Thanks for your reply, fren.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +2 / -1

OK. But just don't let your heart run cold, for that might make you like her. Every mom loves her children, unless she has a screw loose. Ms. Lee probably has a child or two, thus they will miss their mother. As for her political persona, I do not know a thing about that, except she was a loud mouth. Her political leaning were definitely on the left, so she was a opponent to my causes. I'm just saying that her family will miss her and we shouldn't dog pile on during this time. But, if HRC were to take a dirt nap, then I'd be very happy and glad to pack down her plot with a dance or two.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Drop 4587.....Prepare for massive cyber/power outages. 11-04-2024

I'm beginning to believe that if Q says it, it will come true on the day he says. Prepare now, pedes for the fourth of November. Have plenty of gasoline stored up for a week and make darn sure, NOW, that your generator will crank over when you need it. My Generac will not pull start unless there is a freshly charged battery installed on it. Hmmmm...... Figure out these SNAFUs now, before the hard times hit.

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