Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q drop #1247

"Happy hunting." "Http:// www.un.org/en/auditors/board/faq.shtml"

The United Nations Board of Auditors is responsible for auditing the accounts of the UN and its funds and programmes. They follow the International Standards of Auditing (ISA) and their reports are submitted to the legislative/governing bodies of the organization concerned with an opinion and report on the organization’s accounts and financial statements, and a long form report on the Organisation’s overall management and performance in accordance with the applicable financial regulations and rules and other administrative instructions, and the legality and regularity of the Organisation’s operations.

External auditors play a fundamental role in boosting public confidence in the overall management, internal control system of the organization, and reliability of financial presentation and reporting. The Board of Auditors was established by General Assembly resolution 74(1) in 1946 and is completely independent and solely responsible for the conduct of the audit.

The Board meets twice a year, in July for a 1½ day Regular Board Session and in December for a half day Special Board session following the Panel session. The General Assembly appoints a new Board member every two years at its regular session.

The Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations, the Specialized Agencies, and the International Atomic Energy Agency was established by the General Assembly Resolution 1438 (XIV) of 5 December 1959. Its main objectives are to further the coordination of the audits for which its members are responsible, and to exchange information on audit methods and findings.

Is Elon going after the UN next? hmmmm

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

No. "First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening." Nowhere does it say it will shock the WORLD. It will wake people up.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can we send this to all of America's news rooms, please?

Tynyyn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Have you noticed some of President Trump's nominees are being sworn in by USSC justices? I wonder if that is some sort of comm.

Tynyyn 7 points ago +7 / -0

FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction. I wonder if a Federal Judge will be arrested to kick off the cleansing of the Judiciary.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Has the federal money been stopped? When will that happen? Since PP is a private entity I don't see Elon and his DOGE boys walking in the front doors. But the rats will start scurrying once the money spigot is shut off.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +6 / -3

I agree! Why post a thread when a lot of GAWers don't want to sign up to X? How about just posting some of the comments, OP?

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

It might be interesting to see areas inside of Military Intelligence(MI) that has the ability to claim a Q clearance. Once you get those then maybe it will be easier to put a finger on who is in each area. Then try to find where these areas are stationed, whether at a military base or the White House or the Pentagon. I feel the Q plan has been in place for a few decades, started around the time of JFK. That means there have been grandfathers, fathers, and now sons taking up the mantle of the Q plan. Can one find out if there have been three generations within MI? Then begin looking at schools that teach game theory, i.e. these Q guys had to have been taught how to peer into the future with their posts and on very specific dates. Do regular colleges and universities teach game theory or is it only taught within MI? These are just mullings I've had for a while. If it sparks a light bulb to turn on in someones mind I hope they can take the thread and use to fill in the gaps. Cheers.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wake up every day wondering when the arrests will begin. I will have a yuge box of popcorn ready and I'll even break my carnivore diet to drink some refreshing beverages with the popcorn, too. Maybe they will be shipped down to Gitmo and share the same cells as the illegals who are down there now. What a glorious sight that would be, to have the people who allowed the illegals into the country in the cells with the worst illegals. Maybe both will come together and figure out how to live in harmony.

Tynyyn 20 points ago +20 / -0

I am humbled. I meant the Federal Reserve.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

At my local Walmart the big box of 60 eggs now costs $27. Somehow I doubt eggs ought to be fifty cents a piece.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +5 / -1

That was awful of him to parade his wife out in front of camaras like that. It almost appeared he was in control of her, instead of her having command over her own actions. Like she was a slave to his demands. Someone ought to smack him over the head to knock some sense into him. It's a shame that these pics were broadcast. Where are the censors at the networks? They should be held accountable for showing this, also. I feel some folks should be in jail for porn on television, that wasn't art.

Tynyyn 31 points ago +31 / -0

When did the insurrection begin? 1913 when the Tresury was founded? Hmmmm, a lot of debt would vanish if that were so.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

With Africa being such a crap hole i wonder if the Chinese will be hesitant to go in there. How many problem do they want to inherit. Or will they just pillage for the rare earth minerals and not worry about the warring factions?

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could they speak Spanish or did rhe drivers have ro learn English? The stench of something wrong os strong is strong in this case. Which court will it be mitigated within?

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea, I think the way DOGE is rolling the unveiling out is a way to get some closed eyed libs to finally open their eyes that some theft has occured within our government. One moment they staunchly say 'no way my country would be full of theives', and the next moment they would say "Um, how come USAID had so many tranny/gay funds going to foreign nations?". Finally they might say, "dang it, I've worked so hard for my money and now I get taxed and that money is sent to Guatemala for drag time tranny shows via USAID"? I'm pissed. This is a slow way of opening a lot of eyes.

Tynyyn 7 points ago +7 / -0

If there are Trillions of dollars sitting in bank accounts in NGO's and other American funded agencies, how does the average Joe American get to reclaim some of those dollars? How/when will I ever receive one dime of all that stolen money? Or should I just be satisfied that our country is getting back on track as our Founding Fathers wanted it to be? It sure would be nice to have a check cut and sitting in my mailbox one day. But, maybe that's just me wanting to be greedy for a moment or two while crap posting on GAW.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Think about the hammer President Trump will bring to the USSC and pound these stupid District Judges into the dust. Their dirty deeds/dealings will be exposed and the USSC Justices might not appreciate those sins of the judges. Overturn is right around the corner,.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you think he's a lefty or a compromised righty?

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