Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

He should have taken out a sharp object and popped four tires on the FEMA vehicle and force the idiot driver to pound pavement.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

The FBI took him into custody? What for....Protective custody? Since when has the FBI begun doing the good work of getting rid of bad people? It would be nice if this guy was tried, found guilty, and sentenced to a long term for whatever he was charged with, but in the back of my mind I think this story will fade away and he will be released without comotion nor the news media being told. In other words, I believe the FBI is in the back pocket of the deep state. But sometimes they have to act like they are doing their jobs.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

Where are they sleeping? Are they bringing rolls and rolls of TP so they won't have to use leaves or their hand? How about food? Are they going to hit the local McDonalds in every town they pass through? So many questions.

Tynyyn 16 points ago +16 / -0

I tried college and it wasn't for me. Heck, I went to four different colleges and still couldn't find one that taught me how to do anything. Applied to the USPS for a 13 hour a week job and I took it when it was offered. I quit my entry level management job working 40+ hours a week for a part time government job. One year and three months later I applied for a postmasters position and I GOT IT because I planned to move up in the organization and got my ducks in a row. I retired when I was 57 and got a full pension, a nice 401K and Social Security. All of this without a college diploma hanging on my wall. It just a different way to get into management and I succeeded in it. More than one way to skin a cat.

Tynyyn 6 points ago +9 / -3

Yawn. SO WHAT!!! And I mean that in the harshest sense. Look folks, even if the plaintiffs win this case, slam dunk, what is the remedy? Kindly ask the CIA to stop doing devious things to the American citizens? LISTEN CLOSELY......THE ONLY WAY THIS CASE WILL MAKE ANY HEADWAY TO STOP HARMING AMERICAN CITIZENS IS TO GET RID OF THE CIA AND THE EVIL PEOPLE WHO COME UP WITH THESE PROGRAMS. Having a Federal Judge tell the corporations to stop 5G, vaxxes, or sky spraying is a fools errand. The Judge can tell them to do this until he's blue in the face, they have to be brought to heal before they change. That is to kill these agencies that harm the people. Only Trump will be able to do that.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

They need to be chugging fenbendazole and Ivermectin. Yet they will heed their doctors advise and believe the cancers are not curable. Oh well.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +2 / -1

His package still isn't as large as Arnold Palmer's.

Tynyyn 18 points ago +18 / -0

Why are the leftists and pedo so afraid of the hangman's noose? Don't they put all their faith in their master, Satan? Shouldn't he ride in on a red dragon and save them all? If they worship him so emphatically through evils done to innocent people, wouldn't they have no problem meeting Satan quickly? He is their god, thus they should want and yearn to die for him so they can meet him.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Once the left starts rattling the "it isn't a fair vote" because they are loosing by a large margin, they had better realize that true fairness will happen when the military is stationed around their voting places. I wanna see their reaction when a division of American military troops are planted throughout their lefty cities to quell the riots and mayhem. Will they cry and gnash their teeth then or will they act peacefully and orderly knowing that cheating by either side will not be tolerated?

Tynyyn -1 points ago +3 / -4

Hey, shoveling coal is a lot different than picking cotton or chopping tobacco. Those white kids had it easier because their parents needed money and sent them out to work, yet the slaves were forced to make their masters money, without getting any payment for their work or still not getting their freedom. Plus the kids only got spanked while the slaves got whipped. The kids had freedom because of their skin color, the slaves had slavery because of their skin color. Just a different view point, fren.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do we know the Generals have the citizens best interest in mind instead of just being shills for the deep state? Milley is such an example. Will ALL the Generals need to be vetted or will they be picked because of the number of stars on their shoulder boards?

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's not true. Kamala did work at McDonalds, in the men's bathroom on her knees.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea, Trump cannot be seen as directing the actions of the military as they go after the bad actors. Now, if the military begins its purge of the deep state on Uncle Joe's watch, well...... We need to get prepared for all eventualities, even delayed elections, tossing out the old votes and the going with paper and one day voting. A lot of dark days between now !and when Trump takes the oath of office.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whoh. That would be a yuge win. Too bad he has to wait a couple of months to gain the power, though. But what if Joe and Kamala are arrested on Nov. 6 and Mike Johnson takes the helmet for that time frame?

Tynyyn 9 points ago +9 / -0

They will refuse to leave. That means the department heads will not make way for the new director, nor will his underlings get out of the building. Think pulling the W keys off typewriter when baby Bush was elected was juvenile? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I bet the Muslims didn't get forced to take the vaxx, only white people.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gallows for the military tribunals which begin on November 6.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does it give direction on which form of execution needs to be taken? Hanging, firing squad, suffocation, dismemberment, or bludgening to the face and head?

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

You drop your ballot into the recepticle that says Republican and they intermingle your votes in with the recepticle labeled Democrat once they get the votes back to their lair. So all the votes are talleyed for the Democrat. Pretty easy to see how they steal elections.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's just sniffing his finger from the previous night's fun with Big Mike. Ah, the memories.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm thinking it's Old man Bush, hanging by the neck, from a gallows, and it is a very clear pic of him dangling. Maybe he has a sign safety pinned to his chest that say's, "Sorry, I spilled the beans" (or something similar, maybe "Traitor"). It is a pic of a very dead Bush Sr. and how he was executed. The execution style had to be very noticable, you'd know it was a hanging because of the rope, but if he were shot there might not be any bullet wounds visible because Jeb's mind processed the pic very quickly. If it were a shooting, the holes could have been mistaken by the brain as a discoloration on the body, if it were clothed then maybe the holes wouldn't even be noticed. A rope around the neck is highly visible, very well known to everybody, and extremely lethal.

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