I have some very exiting information to share with you all today. I want you to continue to pray and keep the faith. In the very near future you will see a great shaking of Washington DC. There is going to be massive things happening within Congress and Senate that will have to be reported by the mainstream media and will also be reported globally. Mark my words and save this video. Watch the politicians, CEOs, health leaders and world leaders in the news closely. They will all start to turn on each other and run in fear. You will watch and witness the dismantling of the new world order agenda. A flood of information is coming, and some of you have already seen the start of this All truth will be exposed about covid 19 and the vaccine, discrediting the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA, WEF, and big pharma The IRS and Federal Reserve along with the world banks and wall street will be exposed for all their illegal banking and taxing schemes that have enslaved us all. There will be a stock market crash to bring in the new system - God's system. Do not have fear. There are going to be many people removed from office at all levels of government without elections. I have been authorized to tell you that you will witness AOC removed very soon. You will witness the removal of Adam Schiff and he will be charged with Treason. You will see the removal of Kamala Harris and the fake Joe Biden along with many others. Keep a close eye on Georgia and Arizona as well. Your government and your lives are being restored. This war is not completely finished, so do expect the deep state to attempt false flag events and attempt to spin media narratives. This will fail and will all be exposes. The war is already won, and you will witness it first hand. When everything is finished, you will say "This could only have been by the hand of God the Almighty." He is working to prosper you and everyone around the world. The things you are about to see happen will impact the entire globe. Darkness will be brought to light, and justice has been, and will continue to be served. Be vocal, be loud, and share this information with others as it begins to pour out. Wake the remaining sheep. God has put a fire in many of your hearts to be a beacon of light and truth. Continue to do this regardless of ridicule. I am so excited and proud to be part of this movement with you all. It is a very exciting time to be alive. You are part of the greatest revival in the history of mankind. Stay strong patriots. We've waited far to long for this, and it's just about over. God bless you all.
AOC soon! Please be true
That guy at the end is a Champion!! Wow dude whomever you are - my deepest admiration and respect!
Absolutely! But, he can’t get a Voter ID because he’s oppressed!
I have some very exiting information to share with you all today. I want you to continue to pray and keep the faith. In the very near future you will see a great shaking of Washington DC. There is going to be massive things happening within Congress and Senate that will have to be reported by the mainstream media and will also be reported globally. Mark my words and save this video. Watch the politicians, CEOs, health leaders and world leaders in the news closely. They will all start to turn on each other and run in fear. You will watch and witness the dismantling of the new world order agenda. A flood of information is coming, and some of you have already seen the start of this All truth will be exposed about covid 19 and the vaccine, discrediting the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA, WEF, and big pharma The IRS and Federal Reserve along with the world banks and wall street will be exposed for all their illegal banking and taxing schemes that have enslaved us all. There will be a stock market crash to bring in the new system - God's system. Do not have fear. There are going to be many people removed from office at all levels of government without elections. I have been authorized to tell you that you will witness AOC removed very soon. You will witness the removal of Adam Schiff and he will be charged with Treason. You will see the removal of Kamala Harris and the fake Joe Biden along with many others. Keep a close eye on Georgia and Arizona as well. Your government and your lives are being restored. This war is not completely finished, so do expect the deep state to attempt false flag events and attempt to spin media narratives. This will fail and will all be exposes. The war is already won, and you will witness it first hand. When everything is finished, you will say "This could only have been by the hand of God the Almighty." He is working to prosper you and everyone around the world. The things you are about to see happen will impact the entire globe. Darkness will be brought to light, and justice has been, and will continue to be served. Be vocal, be loud, and share this information with others as it begins to pour out. Wake the remaining sheep. God has put a fire in many of your hearts to be a beacon of light and truth. Continue to do this regardless of ridicule. I am so excited and proud to be part of this movement with you all. It is a very exciting time to be alive. You are part of the greatest revival in the history of mankind. Stay strong patriots. We've waited far to long for this, and it's just about over. God bless you all.
Did anyone else see that based patriots address was 2022?