With people being their own bank in general it takes a lot of education as people are unfamiliar with the concept and very irresponsible. Even today people post pictures of their credit card on fakebook and wonder why they lose all their money almost instantly.
These chargebacks are killing small businesses sadly because the bank takes no responsibility, and the idiot are not punished for their own stupidity.
Schools should have mandatory classes, there should be TV broadcasts with those old 50's style government propaganda videos educating people on how to not get scammed, and how to be their own bank responsibly. It wouldn't even be hard, but obviously there's no interest for that as bankers make a shitload of money by selling "security" and fuck over small business while pretending to deal with scammers.
With people being their own bank in general it takes a lot of education as people are unfamiliar with the concept and very irresponsible. Even today people post pictures of their credit card on fakebook and wonder why they lose all their money almost instantly.
These chargebacks are killing small businesses sadly because the bank takes no responsibility, and the idiot are not punished for their own stupidity.
Schools should have mandatory classes, there should be TV broadcasts with those old 50's style government propaganda videos educating people on how to not get scammed, and how to be their own bank responsibly. It wouldn't even be hard, but obviously there's no interest for that as bankers make a shitload of money by selling "security" and fuck over small business while pretending to deal with scammers.