If I had to sum it up in few words. Just always give it all back to him. Don't hold it yourself. Then what ever u receive back is from Jesus and is something we can love and value and seek to fill more of.
Love u fren. This was an awesome question btw. Most people don't truly think like this. Praying for u. I'm here if u ever need prayer or a friend to vent to. We are In this together. Together through Christ we have endless potential
I think you understand.
And i think I understand what you mean.
Thank you, for the oddly straight answer.
If I had to sum it up in few words. Just always give it all back to him. Don't hold it yourself. Then what ever u receive back is from Jesus and is something we can love and value and seek to fill more of.
Love u fren. This was an awesome question btw. Most people don't truly think like this. Praying for u. I'm here if u ever need prayer or a friend to vent to. We are In this together. Together through Christ we have endless potential