Sweden ain't really a very religious country, even though we have a lot of Christian values.
Currently we're having a huge problem with Islam pushing itself into the country, and politicians have let it happen. Luckily we've had a change of government as of last year, so maybe we'll start seeing slow changes towards the better.
I do find religion intriguing, and I love the aesthetic of churches and do enjoy visiting them here in Sweden, but I'm not a believer or a follower. I don't really believe in anything specific, since I have never felt that I needed to believe in a higher power to push myself or feel loved.
I do find some parts of the Q plan becoming a bit too silly when people push a religious belief behind it. I don't think what Trump and the American people need are prayers, they need people who act, and can do things.
I know that not everyone have the ability to make any bigger changes and act, but I don't think people should fool themselves or fool others that prayers will do anything for Trump or other people.
Wow Sweden that awesome. I appreciate your honest answer. Q themselves brings up God, Jesus and religion type things. So how do u balance that. Do u just believe part of Q but not the others.
I used to feel the same way about prayer. Until about 3-4 years ago I felt led to start. Imagine you have a phone. You currently dont wanna believe which causes u to be def to God's voice. So you scream in the phone then wonder why nothing happens, why u can't hear anythin. Only when u truly seek that something bigger then yourself, do your ears clear and u begin to hear and understand God. Prayers are very very powerful. Trump knows this and appreciates them. Prayers cause action. And the actions that start have a power that isn't there if it's an I can do it myself approach. It comes down to u have free will to not choose God, so God respects your free will. I truly hope and pray someday u will atleast seek Jesus. He will find u and your life will forever changes. If u ever wanna talk more feel free to reach out. I am all in for prayer and realize it has a power u just can't yet understand so it seems silly to u.
I'm Swedish.
Sweden ain't really a very religious country, even though we have a lot of Christian values.
Currently we're having a huge problem with Islam pushing itself into the country, and politicians have let it happen. Luckily we've had a change of government as of last year, so maybe we'll start seeing slow changes towards the better.
I do find religion intriguing, and I love the aesthetic of churches and do enjoy visiting them here in Sweden, but I'm not a believer or a follower. I don't really believe in anything specific, since I have never felt that I needed to believe in a higher power to push myself or feel loved.
I do find some parts of the Q plan becoming a bit too silly when people push a religious belief behind it. I don't think what Trump and the American people need are prayers, they need people who act, and can do things.
I know that not everyone have the ability to make any bigger changes and act, but I don't think people should fool themselves or fool others that prayers will do anything for Trump or other people.
Wow Sweden that awesome. I appreciate your honest answer. Q themselves brings up God, Jesus and religion type things. So how do u balance that. Do u just believe part of Q but not the others.
I used to feel the same way about prayer. Until about 3-4 years ago I felt led to start. Imagine you have a phone. You currently dont wanna believe which causes u to be def to God's voice. So you scream in the phone then wonder why nothing happens, why u can't hear anythin. Only when u truly seek that something bigger then yourself, do your ears clear and u begin to hear and understand God. Prayers are very very powerful. Trump knows this and appreciates them. Prayers cause action. And the actions that start have a power that isn't there if it's an I can do it myself approach. It comes down to u have free will to not choose God, so God respects your free will. I truly hope and pray someday u will atleast seek Jesus. He will find u and your life will forever changes. If u ever wanna talk more feel free to reach out. I am all in for prayer and realize it has a power u just can't yet understand so it seems silly to u.