March 22, 2023 2:30am Just woke from a dream of the Biblically accurate depictions pictures of Cherub(im) and Seraph(im) that I looked up last night and wondering in my dream what Guardian angels and Archangels really looked like. Then I was taken back to a birthday party at the neighbor girl’s house when I was about eleven. All us girls were playing some strange game where we held hands and spun in a circle together with our eyes closed on a dirt mound in her back yard. I opened my eyes when they were supposed to be closed and saw my dad standing in front of me in a fancy suit. (Dad had recently become a homeless alcoholic and his clothes showed it). I began sobbing uncontrollably as I told the other girls what I saw. Two other girls looked scared as they told me they had done the same and also saw something very similar to my description. I knew right then that my dad’s spirit had died and that that thing I spent every other weekend with was not my dad that made continuous broken promises to (quit drinking tomorrow) and I began praying for him right then. Twenty five years later those prayers were answered when a pastor reached him in jail on a DUI and he accepted Jesus as his Saviour just two months before stroke took everything from him including his thinking abilities. I woke up bawling and still can’t stop. Thank You Jesus for delivering my dad from the demon that possessed him all those years.
And on a side note; My oldest Grand daughter Lilly (who will be eight in a few weeks) came to my husband and I the day before yesterday and told us excitedly that she’d asked Jesus into her heart the night before. Praise God!! An answer to prayer there.
Good story.
Also for those that want to see renderings of biblically accurate descriptions of angels, here’s a link.
orphanim is very weird
Ever found a biblical description of guardian angels or archangels?