Guilty CDC, Govt, MSM, Pharma.. all enforce SILENCE on 100% emerging proofs of Covid Vaccine Massacre
Schwab study proves the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of us from thefreeonline by Steve Kirsch at Substack Will the CDC ever acknowledge it? No way! Their evidence to debunk this study? None whatsoever. They simply ignore it. So does the mains...
That’s an excellent summary article. “In plain English, “the damage pattern in the shoulder (injection site) was the same as in the heart.” This means if the vaccine didn’t kill the patient, this may be the greatest “coincidence” in medical history.”
The biggest questions that remain are 1) how many actually got a placebo, and 2) what will the midterm and long term effects be? 3) is there any real antidote?We know the lab animals all died. My husband's whole family are at least twice jabbed (We don't even talk about anymore as it's a sore spot) MIL is seriously losing her mind, sister had looked like death warmed over for more than a year, but now recently remarried, and "seems fine", her two kids 19 &20 will likely take every jab "required" as they are too blind to know it's bad.