Thanks. I try. It's hard. But I do try. My hubby was public schooled and by his own admission he was a Marxist and believed all the social theories and other garbage taught in the govt indoctrination centers. I think it's hard to break free from that really.
Yep. Didn't take too long after Noah and Ham was cursed because of his sin then Babel, then. . . . I realize we live in a fallen world and don't expect perfection, however, when evil men prosper it does embolden those who are evil.
Yep I remember well seeing those posts and commenting on the biolabs and being literally verbally blasted out of the water by hubby for "lying", being gullible, Putin and Russia bad, etc. He watched the coverage every spare minute and believed every last MSM report. The tension could be cut with a knife, so I shut up. I learned real quick to just shut up and wait. I honestly don't think he even remembers how hateful he was about it all, and he's switched sides without another word from me. All good. I do look forward to more big revelations about all the DS lies over the past decades, even centuries.
Yep. Hubby listens to NPR, still does MSM some, while also doing Fox.
Same with my hubby. He did finally agree not to take CV jabs and now sees Ukraine is in the wrong and even talked about moving to Russia if needed under their new conservative values visa. He's still dead asleep on everything else even COVID being absolutely fake. I don't talk about anything remotely political anymore as he just gets hot and bothered. And when he brings up stuff I just listen. His discernment on stuff is non-existent. He's delving into food and health and I keep reminding him they've lied to us our entire lives about food too, but he just can't seem to grasp that he doesn't need to worry about his cholesterol. It's fine. He doesn't need to eat flax seed and avoid meat and dairy and all the healthy stuff. Coconut oil is healthy and so is lard and butter. But I will say even a year ago he would have been livid about me possibly cooking with lard or tallow and now he's like, lard is better than coconut oil. So it's a small win. I cannot wait until he wakes up on everything and I'll just smile and nod and say , "yep, I know"
Just do it! Stop talking. Not one more penny for PP, PBS, PBS radio, National endowment for the Arts, or anything else like it.
I'm mostly concerned that if "they get away with it" then it will never end. There has to be justice here on earth or the abject disgusting evil will continue.
I don't mind 9 pm so much but my guys (hubby and sons)work early and go to bed early so it's hard in summer when it doesn't get dark until almost 10.
Noooo. Permanent standard time is far better. I hate daylight at 10 pm in summer. In winter it wouldn't get light here until almost 9 am. And would be dark by 5:30. If we did DST year round.
Is the school gonna pay all his medical bills when he gets sick? Pay his funeral expenses and loss of life type benefits when he dies??
We homeschool. My girls will finish highschool. My boys did not. One has been making a grown man's wage since age 16 doing a variety of skills which he plans to use to start a business. the younger one (17) has already started his own business and runs manufacturing as well as all the marketing and sales. Kids don't need govt indoctrination and debt. They need skills, and people skills to do well
I firmly believe "aliens" are demons. Scripture is clear that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, and spiritual forces in dark places (like LOTR--i think the movies depict that evil so well).
Sorry. That's tough. We do live in a fallen world still and there are still environmental toxins galore. Dear friends 2 yr old just developed type 1 diabetes. Never jabbed, but did have hand foot mouth a few weeks prior which must have triggered the autoimmune disease
The Amish do vax. I'd say in the third largest settlement where I live it's about 50-60%do.
And now they are adding pork DNA, and dog DNA to the flu jabs. I saw the insert. In addition to the human DNA and chicken DNA. And we wonder why people are allergic to eggs, next it will be pork and dogs.
Almost everyone sadly. Most still aren't awake.
It's about time. I have zero, and I mean zero, issues with LEGAL immigration. But ALL illegals need deported and never allowed back, because, when one is willing to break the law to enter one is willing to break the law. Only acceptions would be maybe Christians fleeing persecution.
That was prescribed my kids for their asthma years ago. Thankfully they don't have long term effects from it and didn't use it for long.
Praise the Lord. Been saying this should be one of the very first to go. Stop the slaughter of innocents. Without PP much of the evil murderous abortion industry goes away. And we will no longer give our hard earned money to pay for the butchering of infants against our wills.
Thank you. This godly family covets your prayers.
Praying she will recovery quickly
UPDATE: my friend's child was able to eat and sleep today. Plan is to go home tomorrow and then go back for more education on managing the diabetes. Thanks for your prayers.
The child has never had any. I don't know about parents but definitely no CV jabs. Mom had a bout with some type of cancer several years ago and I believe did chemo. So definitely could have an affect but their kids are all very healthy and no shots.
Yep. I pray he took them all out and the new "reveals" about upcoming pandemics are just that--shoeing people what was planned but was actually thwarted.