Only thing I could think of is NT: "NT is an acronym that stands for "Nice try," which is typically seen when gaming online. It may be used sincerely or sarcastically to congratulate a person on a failed attempt. In gaming, you may see the acronym to taunt a player who tried to take your base or encourage a teammate who died fighting an enemy."
Trump's post has now been up uncorrected for 6 hrs at this point. You'd think he would have been told and corrected the post by now if it were a mistake. Wouldn't he have a guy for that given the attention on his Truth posts?
Only thing I could think of is NT: "NT is an acronym that stands for "Nice try," which is typically seen when gaming online. It may be used sincerely or sarcastically to congratulate a person on a failed attempt. In gaming, you may see the acronym to taunt a player who tried to take your base or encourage a teammate who died fighting an enemy."
3-yr. Delta Post 3896 contains a capitalized "NT" within brackets. "[Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT]"
Trump's post has now been up uncorrected for 6 hrs at this point. You'd think he would have been told and corrected the post by now if it were a mistake. Wouldn't he have a guy for that given the attention on his Truth posts?