posted ago by jmarie8408 ago by jmarie8408 +25 / -1

Today I listened to our recent broadcast from Mike Adams with a guest speaker who spoke about America being under attack. This is not conspiracy… every statement can be verified through the news.

I realized was this guy was thinking similarly to what I’ve been wondering about for months!

How does it benefit America to take out the railroad from east to west? Not just stopping the manufacturing of goods both produce, and the capability to manufacture, ore/steel and metals for war machinery!?

How about selling off all of our oil?

We are literally sitting ducks it’s just a matter of when.

The bottom line is if we are attacked we’re gonna be so wounded because all of our “infinite” infrastructure and ability to manufacture would’ve already been completely taken out.

And the worst of it is that with a weak military, vaccine damaged pilots, no fuel for military aircraft or vehicles—who is going to fly anyway?

He talked about boxes of our military supplies left in Afghanistan being delivered up to countries who wanted to use our weapons in to target European nations.

Finally, he referenced the sheer amount of both Asian & Afghanistan with other unknown young males without families coming over en mass.

I guess the question is do we know what’s happening?

How do we prepare for war?

(I THINK WE KNOW) What is taking place on our soil?

US families tearing each other apart over politics. Families divided over gender transition, drugs, cartel/gang violence, and race wars in big cities over… what?

It seems to me that when we are attacked, it’s going to be on a much larger scale … not just a Hawaii Pearl Harbor- situation.

All these people that are fighting over stupid stuff are going to realize we are screwed.