So I had a couple of drinks and watched my firat Bruce Lee movie. "Enter The Dragon" after I got past the early 70s cinema style I kinda got into it. Bruce Lee had an aura about him. Really impressive.
Two things I am thinking about
The island he was on and liberated had an epstein esque quality to it. Enslaved l, sex slave, women that disappear after a while. They were adult, but makes me wonder if Lee was implying something else.
Did Bruce Lee really die of natural causes? I haven't researched it enough, just thinking about it. Also strange that his son Brandon Lee died on the set of The Crow, alec baldwin style.
I don't know, probably nothing, but everything gets me thinking these days. So much of our world perception is a lie.
From Wikipedia
"Equagesic was discontinued in the United States, possibly because of its toxic effects. Specifically, meprobamate.[2][medical citation needed] The Equagesic drug was credited with the sudden death of actor Bruce Lee in 1973. Lee suffered a fatal hypersensitive reaction to one of the prescription drug's ingredients while working in Hong Kong.[3][4]"