I remember hearing watch the water a couple years ago when we were all trying to figure it out ,, it’s finally here , they sure have hit our water , now they attacked the Delaware River in philadelphia, these demons are hitting us above and below and everywhere in between ! Thank God they are running out of ammo!
I read somewhere even if 432 does make a difference you can’t just shift the song, the instruments and necks are literally sometimes designed for “standard”
You would need a special neck and proper intonation to truly play the guitar at 432 etc, with all the instruments.
For us humans, just think about that low frequency buzz u hear constantly in your ears ? And then think about how the over the last 20 years our lives feel like they have been put on Fast-forward, life is hectic and chaotic - seems like there is no time left in the day… do you feel it? What would happen if a nefarious actor found a way to control resonant frequencies? Would we behave like lab rats? Think Pentagon Black Ops / Think DARPA …. Same folks who created C-19 also, created FacFuck, Twitter, Google, etc, to manipulate people. The are targeting our senses, specifically hearing w/ resonant frequency adjustments - shit they even made up a disease for it ??? ; Tinitus - where the fuck did this one come from? Started to hear about it (no pun) in early 2000’s - then of course the medications…. Coincedence??? I say fuck no ….
The system is meant to refrain from healing, living, growth.
1.The financial system puts a tax on everything we do. And it requires, by constant debasement, both mother and father to work, leaving their kids to be e-ducat-ed (leading) by the State, with no time to think things through, no time to regenerate, no time to re-assess what is going on.
2. Social media is geared towards responding, and quickly, shooting from the hip, fostering an environment of emotional stress.
3. Pharma keeps us sick, or leads us into death. C-19 vaxx spikes not only the body but the flora in the intestines, severely impairing health, not only of the mother or father but also of the babies being breast fed. This forces artificial nutrition and decoupling of the natural bond between parents and kids.
4.Food is lacking nutrition and GMO-ed. I just read in The Netherlands it is already 40% of the food consumption that is void of reproductive power. On top our farmers are being put on the spot as polluters, whereas big Chem and big Pharma, big transport are left out of the picture. Eat bugs. that will keep you healthy. [/s]
5.The proliferation of laws leaves us debilitated as more and more PPP come into being, forcing us into contracts, away from our natural rights.
6.On top there are chemical spill and chemtrailing ....
7.The ongoing digitization forces us into contracts with terms of use that can only be summarily accepted or not, voiding the experience of our rights, and leaving us out on the hook to carry the burden of their system.
8. the ongoing information war, with its propaganda and pushing of degeneracy like the LBTQ+/drag queen shows, grooming and sexualizing our kids.
And all of this leads to focusing on interest instead of correctness and rights.
And we wonder why we are withering? Why the social fabric of societies are in decline?
I remember hearing watch the water a couple years ago when we were all trying to figure it out ,, it’s finally here , they sure have hit our water , now they attacked the Delaware River in philadelphia, these demons are hitting us above and below and everywhere in between ! Thank God they are running out of ammo!
Also, in Dorset, England.
Reminds me of Masaru Emoto and his water/crystal experiments. https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/18732.Masaru_Emoto
Intonate as well?
I read somewhere even if 432 does make a difference you can’t just shift the song, the instruments and necks are literally sometimes designed for “standard”
You would need a special neck and proper intonation to truly play the guitar at 432 etc, with all the instruments.
The moar u kno
Clear Your Mind.
Watch the Sun
Watch the Water
In lab experiments :
For us humans, just think about that low frequency buzz u hear constantly in your ears ? And then think about how the over the last 20 years our lives feel like they have been put on Fast-forward, life is hectic and chaotic - seems like there is no time left in the day… do you feel it? What would happen if a nefarious actor found a way to control resonant frequencies? Would we behave like lab rats? Think Pentagon Black Ops / Think DARPA …. Same folks who created C-19 also, created FacFuck, Twitter, Google, etc, to manipulate people. The are targeting our senses, specifically hearing w/ resonant frequency adjustments - shit they even made up a disease for it ??? ; Tinitus - where the fuck did this one come from? Started to hear about it (no pun) in early 2000’s - then of course the medications…. Coincedence??? I say fuck no ….
The system is meant to refrain from healing, living, growth.
1.The financial system puts a tax on everything we do. And it requires, by constant debasement, both mother and father to work, leaving their kids to be e-ducat-ed (leading) by the State, with no time to think things through, no time to regenerate, no time to re-assess what is going on.
2. Social media is geared towards responding, and quickly, shooting from the hip, fostering an environment of emotional stress.
3. Pharma keeps us sick, or leads us into death. C-19 vaxx spikes not only the body but the flora in the intestines, severely impairing health, not only of the mother or father but also of the babies being breast fed. This forces artificial nutrition and decoupling of the natural bond between parents and kids.
4.Food is lacking nutrition and GMO-ed. I just read in The Netherlands it is already 40% of the food consumption that is void of reproductive power. On top our farmers are being put on the spot as polluters, whereas big Chem and big Pharma, big transport are left out of the picture. Eat bugs. that will keep you healthy. [/s]
5.The proliferation of laws leaves us debilitated as more and more PPP come into being, forcing us into contracts, away from our natural rights.
6.On top there are chemical spill and chemtrailing ....
7.The ongoing digitization forces us into contracts with terms of use that can only be summarily accepted or not, voiding the experience of our rights, and leaving us out on the hook to carry the burden of their system.
8. the ongoing information war, with its propaganda and pushing of degeneracy like the LBTQ+/drag queen shows, grooming and sexualizing our kids.
And all of this leads to focusing on interest instead of correctness and rights.
And we wonder why we are withering? Why the social fabric of societies are in decline?
THIS thread worthy
Makes me wonder wtf I heard that was about to make my brain pop the one time I tried a massive rip of DMT of some sorts >.<