Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. — Philippians 1:6
Recently, I was in a meeting where we were asked to describe how we arrived at our current place in life. We went around the room as people described their past. They went into detail about the types of work that they used to do. Some worked fast food, while others waited tables. Some did manual jobs, like construction, and others described their time as a receptionist. Then, everyone described the things that contributed to their place on that day.
As we went around the room, there were a few things that became very evident. We all had started in a different place than where we currently were. We came from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. Yet, on this day, we found ourselves all sitting in the same room for the same purpose.
It didn’t matter what the previous job was or where the person was from. What mattered was that we were there, at that moment and for that purpose. We knew what we used to be and the things that contributed to us being there at that moment.
As Christians, we all come from a wide variety of backgrounds, locations, and experiences. We all have a prior life of sin that we lived. Yet, in us, a good work has been started. That wasn’t started on our own but by God. He has not only saved us but given us a purpose in life.
When you accepted Jesus as Savior, an amazing work was started inside of you. Through grace, God has started a work in our lives and has given our lives purpose. Are you living
Jared Dyson
Another Well Ministries
God lets us know that he wishes to be involved with our lives....