A segment right near the end of the first episode, a couple poses as former residents of the lady's home. She offers to let them look around. They kill her. Then he gets a text saying get back to dc. Most of the storyline is about fbi agents, white house, etc. Wonder where this will go.
Has anyone had a chance to check out the rabbit hole to see what it's like? I want to say kiefer but I'm not sure that is right.
Spoiler alert - the Vice President and the President's chief of staff are corrupt and partnered with a gov't contractor to set off a bomb state-side. They kill anyone who knows or gets close. I'm about to watch the final episode of the season...
I just heard about this show a couple days ago but I haven't had time to watch yet. This now goes to the top of my watch list. Thanks.
Just binged it this week.
Saw the Racine scene and went "Hmmm".
Enjoyed the show a lot!!!
Watched it all. It was enjoyable but had some scenes where you had to suspend logic and belief to accept what was being shown.
I found it enjoyable, overall. I won't reveal spoilers unless you want me to.
Please don't yet.