The “No Central Bank Digital Currency Act” (No CBDC Act) reads:
“No Federal reserve bank, the Board, the Secretary of the Treasury, any other agency... may mint or issue a central bank digital currency... No Federal reserve bank may hold digital currencies minted or issued by the United States Government as assets or liabilities...”
Get behind it and spread the word.
As many have been saying for some time, this newest banking crisis is just the thing they need to exploit a panic and introduce it.
They want the ability to spend and spend on every boondoggle and bailout put in front of them, without the "hindrance" of the Fed actually having to print the paper dollars they create out of thin air.
And even more, the government wants a currency they can monitor, profile you with, and if needed, confiscate from you with the push of a button. A total loss of freedom and privacy if a Central Bank Digital Currency replaces the (already very problematic) dollars we have now.
Look at what happened even in early trials of the Chinese digital yuan: China canceled its citizens’ money after a set period, forcing Chinese citizens to spend their savings at the compulsion of the government.
All the “No CBDC Act” does is strengthen existing law by replacing an omission of authority with a hard prohibition. Congress never authorized the creation of a CBDC, and the Federal Reserve is not permitted to operate without congressional authority.
From Ron Paul
Thank you, Senator Lee. Amy member of congress who opposes this bill should be removed from congress.