Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. — Philippians 1:6
Our son is a typical boy. He has things that he loves, and he is full of energy. Sometimes, all that energy gets the best of him. He will find himself in a position where he doesn’t listen and doesn’t pay attention to the things that we are telling him. We may say stop, but he continues. Or perhaps he doesn’t even slow down to listen.
A lot of times that puts us in a situation where we have to take away something that is precious to him. At times he will lose TV privileges. Other times, he may not get to do something else that he was excited about doing. He is learning that there are consequences to actions.
But there are many things he never has to worry about us taking away. We would never consider taking away the necessities. For example, we wouldn’t consider taking away food and forcing him to starve. Nor would we consider taking away his water, forcing him to be thirsty. By the grace of God, I never want him to have to worry about these things.
There are three words in this verse of Philippians that I love. Paul writes, “will perform it.” He is talking about the work of grace that started inside the child of God at salvation. In those three words, Paul is telling us that no matter what may happen, there’s absolutely nothing that can put an end to that work that began in us.
There are times in our lives we may face the discipline of God. He may take away some of the blessings that we would normally receive. But that work of grace, nothing can put an end to it. That work of grace is what gives us life.
Maybe you are discouraged because you have made a mistake, disobeyed God, or wandered away from Him. Just because you messed up doesn’t mean you are no longer in the family of God. Nothing can take that away. Instead, God wants you to repent and focus on living for Him.
Jared Dyson
Another Well Ministries
Amen! I would like to add, when we do stumble and we have the courage to repent and ask His forgiveness, the Grace He bestows is not only sprinkled on you, He gives it ABUNDANTLY.
Only Jesus is worthy, but because of His sacrifice we can rest assured that no stumble will cause the Father to turn His face away from you.
Let us as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ refrain from our own judgements and condemnations of each other. Let's us instead help our family that is led astray find the courage to return to the flock.
God Bless you all.
Amen and AMEN
...wonderful addendum...
The one down vote must be the son. He doesn't like being reminded of the loss of tv privileges.