Be careful - I've seen a few posts on here that sound very suspicious for deep staters trying to bait people into gun violence for them. If they are calling for you to take up arms and encouraging you to grab your guns because they are lusting after a civil war. Sorry, they are deliberately trying to get you to fall for their trap. If your own house is under attack, then by all means, you must take up arms and defend your own home, otherwise, let the military handle what is coming. We have already been assured many times we need do nothing. It's already won. Do not forget: the military is the only way. Tell the glowies to pound sand. If you see someone saying take up arms, or refering to a civil war, you can bet your sweet tail, that person is trying to trap you.
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Well is the plan working or not doing nothing would cause only us to appear weak when we are in fact strong. It would make our enemies more cheeky and impertinent. So indeed for now we shall do nothing.Let them try more openly try to incite WW3 and civil war, so openly that even idiot would see it. Let them unmask themselves.Let them believe they are winning.Tactics:
"Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes”. That's precisely it.
We cannot win by doing what they want.We of course can lose by doing nothing too,but until they not come for the people still it isn't looking like self defence.
I begun on GA with that,and now I repeat: Prepare,prepare,prepare but do nothing. Like January 6 it is obvious bait.