I have a very, very uncomfortable feeling that we as a society are about to jump off a massive cliff
It's extremely unsettling. We're pushing closer and closer to some kind of a drop off. I don't know how it will land and how long the drop is. But it's not a good feeling.
This isn't blue-pill, or red-pill or black-pill. Just that I'm watching my beloved country disintegrate and seeing the world come to take a collective dump on itself. It's very very unnerving.
I see it as a destruction of the system of their systems. Dismantling of United States Corporation, inevitable to restore the original country, the United States of America. Yes, it feels like an end. It has to feel like an end. Because you have to clean the place first, to (re)build a home that's been infected with [can not find at the moment the English name of that hideous mushroom that destroys buildings] or badly damaged in the hurricane.
An end before a good, fresh start. Unfortunately, at least part of that cleanup is messy, and, say, some good doors or nails could get thrown out with wreckage, instead of salvaging. Painful. But needed.
There always needs to be an end to reach a new beginning