I have a very, very uncomfortable feeling that we as a society are about to jump off a massive cliff
It's extremely unsettling. We're pushing closer and closer to some kind of a drop off. I don't know how it will land and how long the drop is. But it's not a good feeling.
This isn't blue-pill, or red-pill or black-pill. Just that I'm watching my beloved country disintegrate and seeing the world come to take a collective dump on itself. It's very very unnerving.
My Womens Bible Study is studying the book of revelation right now. It’s all in there. Just pick it up and read it. In the end, God wins. But between now, and then, there’s gonna be a lot of bad stuff that happens. Just put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you will make it through with the reward in heaven.
Amen 💗