I have a 2018 Chevy. I get emails from the dealership that tells me when a light goes off on my dashboard. OnStar will give me monthly reports about my driving tendencies (average speed, aggressive acceleration, etc.).
So now that I know big brother has access to my car, am I able to disconnect it from the grid?
Glad i own 2 pre computer bullshit vehicles. If full on apocolypse,i can swap them both to points ignition and generator if needed. Gas would be the bigger issue
There's always wood gas.
But the bigger problem, IMHO, is being the only person around with a functioning vehicle. The scene at the ferry from "War of the Worlds" with Tom Cruise comes to mind.
That said, I have a copy of the Wood Gas Bible so in a pinch I can keep the tractor running...
8m sure with a little tuning,they would run on alcohol. Im sure i can figure out hiw to make some moonshine.