Over the last month I’ve noticed a large increase in health problems from several people I know on various levels, all vaccinated. One issue I’ve specifically been hearing about is blood tests showing something wrong with their red/white blood cells.
While I’d like nothing more than to shake them and scream, “it’s the vaccine!!!!” Most of them wouldn’t be willing to hear it. I think there’s a chance one of them might listen, but another has stated publicly he isn’t interested in getting advice or counsel from anyone who isn’t a medical professional. Most of the others are putting their newfound problems down to “stress-related.” On top of that, my small business involves networking with many of these people. If I were to say something to the wrong person, my family and I stand to lose quite a lot.
I’m not really sure how to approach these situations except to pray for the people involved, but deep down I’m afraid it’s too late for them. How to avoid being swallowed by depression? Should I muster up the courage to say something to the one who might actually listen?
My neighbour has been unwell all this year. Possible ulcer; diagnosed with anaemia. Having test after test; worried as fcuk. And her husband just had a kidney removed - tumour.
I'm not gonna tell them. I have no hope to offer. Both are mid-to-late seventies anyway. Nobody lives forever.