Efff that raise your own. If you don’t have the room learn to hunt. Depend on your neighbors and create a barter system. I am not a doomer but have creeped a lot and some of the older post have been taken to heart. We as a whole need to learn to lean on each other and we’ll be alright. Do what you can and we’ll have a parrallel economy before you know it.
Ps. Didn’t mean to come across aggressive if I did, just fired up
I am not in Missouri but I just wrote both Congressman and Senator because this "idea" needs to be shut down at a National level NOW!
Efff that raise your own. If you don’t have the room learn to hunt. Depend on your neighbors and create a barter system. I am not a doomer but have creeped a lot and some of the older post have been taken to heart. We as a whole need to learn to lean on each other and we’ll be alright. Do what you can and we’ll have a parrallel economy before you know it.
Ps. Didn’t mean to come across aggressive if I did, just fired up