Remember Satan likes to tell you what he plans to do before he does it.
Here is Q post 142. talks about bloodlines, Federal Reserve.
Who controls it? (Jews.)
Q says "It must be controlled."
Obama and Vicotria Nuland pulled off a color revolution in Ukraine.
Removing power, now corruption runs free.
Biolabs popped up all over Ukraine.
Ghislane Maxwell's father is Robert Maxwell.
Robert Maxwell was a Jew, part of the Mossad.
Using Epstein Island they created a system to blackmail out politicians.
Controlling our government was the objective.
Who are the Khzarians?
They are the elite Jews. Controlled by a Satanic belief system.
Who is the most elite family of Jews? Rothchilds.
Who gains profits from the Federal Reserve? Rothchilds.
Today, Khazarian Mafia is working out of Ukraine.
George Soros is also a Khazarian.
This is why the US deep state is conducting this proxy war in Ukraine.
Protecting the Rothchilds interests.
If you look at the Khazarian Mafia history, they are the masters of disguise.
They created antisemite laws to prevent people from spreading rumors.
Jews claimed to be persecuted and blamed the Nazi's.
In reality, they were the Nazi's.
This is why we see Nazi Symbols with the Ukrainian Army.
Khazars blamed Nazis for killing Jews, in reality, they were the evil ones.
To make matters worse, Operation Paperclip brought them to the USA.
Now Russia stands at the border of Ukraine to deliver back some retribution.
Retribution? For what you say?
In early 1900's. he Khzarians killed over 100 million Russians.
The Rothschild KM pre-staged and engineered the Russian Revolution.
The Bolsheviks were actually created and deployed by the Khazarian Mafia.
The Bolsheviks, at the direction of the Rothschild KM, raped, tortured and mass-murdered approximately 100 million Russians, including women, children, and infants
Here is a good article explaining things.
The Jews think they are the chosen ones.
They think they will one day rule over all other races.
If you are not a Jew, you are a Gentile.
Based on Jewish belief a gentile is lower form of life, irredeemably evil.
This is where the New World Order comes in to play.
United Nation, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council
Jews controlling the planet with a few slaves to serve them.
Think Georgia Guidestones
Why were the Guidestones destroyed? Message sent.
Now think biolabs in Ukraine.
Remember, Epstein had a DNA project?
The 23 and Me DNA company is owned by Anne E. Wojcicki.
Anne E. Wojcicki is married to Sergey Brin, founder of Google.
Sergey Brin and other billionaires subpoenaed in JPMorgan-Epstein lawsuit
The billionaires have a tight circle.
If the Khazarians wished to kill off everyone and do it selectively, they need DNA.
They need to do DNA research and create a virus that would spare the Jews.
Look for DNA segments that made certain races suspectable to new viruses.
Now again, think biolabs in Ukraine.
Several Q quotes:
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.
Evil surrounds us.
These people are pure evil.
This is not about politics.
There are those in POWER who wish to CONTROL (enslave) you.
To keep you sedated.
To keep you unaware.
To keep you blind.
Every politician pushing this Ukraine war is being controlled by the Jews.
Remember Adam Shiff's son wearing the Mossad T-shirt.
The Mossad is the equivalent to the United States CIA.
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
GOD WINS!!!!!!
This fight will take all of us united, taking arrows as we go, there will be hardships removing ourselves from their evil system but in the end, the best is yet to come.
Stay safe my frens!!!
At first I thought 99% would mentally break at knowing the truth. I hope is something less harsh, like 99% will seek treatment after realizing they’ve been infested with parasites.
What kind of parasites and can I treat them at home?
I'm a young strong man (26 years old), 3 years ago I had a random stroke in bed. Insomniac workaholic my whole life, left me with permanent crippling migraines on left side of the head, worse of all, constant brain fog, worse than sleepy Joe, completely changed my nature 180 degrees. Did all tests, all scans, nothing, no answers, no help. Started getting educated on supplements and religiously took my vitamins, helped but not fixed. Went down the parasite rabbit hole, and my God its a deep one. Took ivermectin and fenbendazole, shit out parasites, never felt better. Yes you can easily do it at home, promise you you have parasites in you
I’m 29 myself, have had deep issues of brain fog, ADHD, depression and anxiety my whole life. What was your regiment, how much for how long did you take those? Is Amazon the best choice to buy them or got another place better?
I’m in Ontario Canada, so you can imagine how limited my options were. I had to go to the farmer supply store to buy horse ivermectin and fenbendazole. Pretty sure they recommend going on it for 2 weeks. I saw videos on tik tok of a girl being so desperate she did it for a month. Copied her and everything was fine