They wanted to give it to my 90 year old mother while she was in the hospital with pneumonia. They didn’t ask, just came in the room with the shot. When I asked what it was for, They said it would NOT help with the pneumonia she had, but would help with future pneumonia. She said no because she was fighting the pneumonia she had and didn’t want to add the vaccine on top of that and risk a vaccine side effect. She will consider taking it when she isn’t sick. Looks like another newer vaccine from Pfizer. And they want old people and sick people to get it. There sure are a lot of new vaccines and if you interact with healthcare, they want to give you all of them.
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Even before covid, on my annual checkup my PCP as usual started pushing shots to me.... flu, pneumonia, shingles, etc. So I was prepared with the ingredients and asked him (put him on the spot) like why do I need barium and selenium in my body? How do nuclear med agents improve my health? OR Is that the one that has aborted baby parts in it? He was stumped. He said if you get sick it will be less intense so..I answered with How can you tell that? How can you compare my symptoms if I wasnt sick the year before. He finally gave up.
Gee I wish I had kept that list but as I said it was before covid and at the time didnt think shots were a big issue.