One problem. If crypto is not accepted to make purchases, it is worthless. And it is not easily converted to local currencies without the use of a centralized exchange. Also poor populations without electronic devices are completely excluded from utilizing crypto. All countries participating in centralized banking will criminalize the use of non-centralized digital currency.
Crypto buys transactions so small, they are not monetizable any other way. Each clock-tick from an AI, each DB lookup, all can be digitally invoiced and settled. Crypto can make your data earn money TO YOU anywhere in the world.
One problem. If crypto is not accepted to make purchases, it is worthless. And it is not easily converted to local currencies without the use of a centralized exchange. Also poor populations without electronic devices are completely excluded from utilizing crypto. All countries participating in centralized banking will criminalize the use of non-centralized digital currency.
*transactions, not purchases.
Crypto buys transactions so small, they are not monetizable any other way. Each clock-tick from an AI, each DB lookup, all can be digitally invoiced and settled. Crypto can make your data earn money TO YOU anywhere in the world.