Which way do you see it playing out? The Storm(mass arrests of the Cabal) or MOASS (Stock Market collapsing) happening first?
I think in order of precipice that MOASS will happen first.
What do you Frenly Apes think?
I hope it's MOASS 1st. Be nice to be in a Lambo when I tell them "I told you so".
Lambo implies that you sell.
Why would you sell?
Personally, I’m selling to pay off all debt and then retire so I can do what the fuck I want to.
Not selling all my shares. Just some.
Makes sense, and I can't blame anyone for doing that, but the meme I kept hearing was to buy and HODL.
It didn't say anything about selling, let alone when.
Can't I sell just one? How are you going to profit? Dividends?