Which way do you see it playing out? The Storm(mass arrests of the Cabal) or MOASS (Stock Market collapsing) happening first?
I think in order of precipice that MOASS will happen first.
What do you Frenly Apes think?
I hope it's MOASS 1st. Be nice to be in a Lambo when I tell them "I told you so".
If they didn't see that doubt they will ever see until their CNN programming tells them to see.
Unfortunately these people can't be freed from the matrix, the best we can do is take over the matrix and program them with truth instead of lies
Take over the matrix. Indeed!
I have felt this so many times. I freed one mind and his 1st thought was this. "We need to brain wash people to be good. Because if we don't the. They will be evil."
Exactly. The problem is inherent in that we are good people and are against brainwashing in general. This is why there was a gaping hole that allowed the cabal to step in and brain wash for evil purposes.
We simply don't have the heart of stomach to manipulate sheep in such a manner