Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high. — Job 16:19
We often talk about our records in this life. You may hear people talk about criminal records, driving records, health records, or even school records. While I certainly knew a lot of these things existed, I never really considered them in great detail until we went through the adoption of our son.
We had to go through multiple types of record checks. One was with the FBI, where they dove into our criminal records. On another occasion, we had to go to a doctor’s appointment and review our medical records. The doctor had to issue a statement saying we were healthy enough to go through with the adoption.
Then we had the social record. This is where we had to get friends and family to write letters supporting our background and adoption. There were countless conversations, documents, and supporting documents that we had to submit, all to support who we were. We had told everyone who we were, but we had to prove our record.
We often share with others that we are Christians. We will often share the title as a badge of honor. But what would our spiritual record say? If we were to pull the record that is on high for our life, would it confirm what we claim to be? We can certainly tell others we are Christians, but the records of God prove what is truly in our hearts.
We are not able to cheat God’s record system. If we want to claim that we are Christians, we should strive to live like Christians. It isn’t just a title to claim. It is a commitment to live. As you reflect today, what does your record say about you?
Jared Dyson
Another Well Ministries
“Love your enemies”. Not “ put up with bullshit”