My wife just rushed to hospital, resting heart rate at 130, red skin, out of breath, misremembering things and stumbling. We’re both unvaxxed and under 35. I’m home watching our son, trying not to freak the fuck out! Any prayers or words of comfort are appreciated; this woman is my entire world, I’m scared shitless and don’t know what to do and have no where else to turn….I just want help. We’ve tried so hard to push through all the bullshit but now this happens—I’m so close to breaking frens, help me please.
Update: still in hospital. CTs, MRI, EKG, US all negative for any clots or embolisms. Doctors still aren’t sure what’s causing it- best working guess so far is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which is an excessively reduced amount of blood returning to the heart when moving from laying to sitting to standing. BP and heart rate still spiking anytime she has to get up. Pumping fluids and electrolytes and looking into starting a beta blocker until her OBGYN can assess hormone levels. Heart monitor hooked up for next cpl weeks. Home/bed rest until then. Not a whole lot of info or treatment for it so we just have to wait and see for now.
Here is the thing. I get were you're coming from. Men were raised to be self reliant. It is a very admiral Although I find it interesting that you speak of needing your wife. So that kinda blows your training to hell. I am reading this the next day so I hope your wife is doing better. When you get back to normal I urge you to consider something that helped me. I'd rather be wrong and mold in my grave as such than risk that God is the real thing and by not believing and I miss out on all he offers. God doesn't stop our fun. Belief in Him isnt this rule oriented thing. The old testament teachs us over and over that mans free will means we can't live by rules. God tried several times and man just broke covenant after convenant. The new testament basically removes all but faith as an impediment to being saved. Belief in Christ all we need. All the rules that people think we must follow to be Christians are constructs of man. Most people that believe want to live as Christ did simply as a way to honor God. Many people give Christians a bad name because Christians get self righteous. Kinda like a former smoker or alcoholic. I hope you don't forget how you felt when your wife was in danger and that feeling raises a curiosity that motivates you to investigate who Gid is to you and what a relationship with Him could mean to you. It is your job to lead your family. The question is which direction. I hope you wife is feeling better and I will continue to hold you and you family in my prayers.