Even some of our ‘Allies’ are lining up to screw the United States, primarily Saudi Arabia and India.
Thoughts? Any mention of this sort of thing by Q?
Even some of our ‘Allies’ are lining up to screw the United States, primarily Saudi Arabia and India.
Thoughts? Any mention of this sort of thing by Q?
The Petro-dollar needs to die so we can get back to sound money and banking practices.
The central banking fiat/petrodollar bullshit is coming to an end.
However I think it will be a controlled demolition to minimize damage to the people.
But make no mistake, the "dollar" as it is right now is worthless fiat and it deserves to die.
It will be revived and backed by something real
Sound money and banking practices is a good thing.
To achieve it by way of the NWO global currency and CBDC is pure NWO.
The something real the NWO has in mind is YOUR body.
I've seen cheaper insurance advertisements where you install "safety devices" ie. monitoring in your house. It will be like the google home tech, sold to the sheep as a convenience.