IF YOU HAVE CANCER - PLEASE READ - (covers Ivermectin treatments)
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
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Husband did 'watchful waiting" with early prostate cancer. After about 6 years, he had the robotic surgery at MD Anderson. PSA is still zero after 7 years and everything still works. Don't risk your life.
Thanks! I am leaving radiation and surgery as an option if it gets much worse. I have two close friends who have prostate cancer. Both regretted the surgery due to incontinence so radiation will be my next step, if necessary.
There is quite a bit of evidence most men die with the cancer, something like 80% of 80 year olds have it and they die from something else.
I have one remaining mission in life: to be around to dance with my granddaughter at her wedding. She is 11 now so I have a few years to make a decision!