posted ago by TheFuglyAmerican ago by TheFuglyAmerican +18 / -0

So HR1 passed. The House of Reps' resolution to rebuild America's energy infrastructure. Will Biden veto? Probably.

But it dawned on me today, that Biden and Harris will not be in power much longer, we are talking months before the speaker of the House will be acting president, we will not wait until 2024 elections.

The DS opened Pandora's box and they shall reap what they have sown. The House controls the purse of the Treasury. There is no need to raise the debt ceiling when the budget they put forth can cut nearly all funding to the DOJ and FBI. When bitches stop getting paid to bitch they stop bitching.

The MSM can be dealt with by the House, the department of education and university Federal funding can be dealt with the same way.

All is not lost.

But the big one that is going to hurt is taking down the Federal Reserve. Don't get me wrong, the Fed's own stupidity planted C4 on their own foundation pillars and are squeezing the trigger.

But we the people must bare the grunt of the hurt of their 100+ year theft, graft and greed.

How do you think this plays out?