Ronald Reagan was literally an actor, spokesman and front man for Jewish power, first as President of the Screen Actors Guild, then as California Governor, and finally as President of the United States for two terms. Throughout this career Reagan’s handlers were mainly Jewish organized crime bosses and their agents, who funded and organized Reagan’s campaigns, handled his financial affairs including lavish real estate deals and lucrative media appointments which rescued Reagan from poverty and made him relatively rich, and directed his policies and programs. In return Reagan manipulated laws and policies that favored first MCA in its expansion of wealth and power, benefited the Jewish organized crime syndicate including deflecting investigations and prosecutions, and later blessed the entire Jewish lobby in America with a flood up economic policy and military support for Israel.
How do we get the public to realize there is a power behind all throne's and to vote accordingly, realizing that first and foremost we have got to replace our Swiss Cheese voting machine with American Cheese that doesn't melt under heat.
How do we get the public to realize there is a power behind all throne's and to vote accordingly, realizing that first and foremost we have got to replace our Swiss Cheese voting machine with American Cheese that doesn't melt under heat.