Our prayers were answered..
My son was in surgery about 8 hours.. he got to his room in the peds ICU about 12 hours post initial registration.. pretty long day for all of us 😅
The procedure went well, his nurse told me he woke up and said he felt "wonderful" this morning.
Today he will try to walk a bit and I am making him an epic smoothie because he loves those.. i am getting him all his favorite foods this week 😋😁
Thanks everyone for your prayers and messages.. it really means the world to us.
He has a rough stretch ahead recovering but he is so strong and hopeful. Precious little man..
Lastly, does anyone have any post surgery wound advice on how best to minimize scarring? Aloe.. mederma..
Bless you all.. I truly love you, Frens. 🥰
Glad to hear that!!!
As soon as the wound is closed use coconut oil - it has high antibiotic properties and helped A LOT with my father (Parkinson) when he got open wounds due to sitting and lying so much. NOTHING else helped so quickly, so cheap and so effectively - the only struggle was that with the nurses to use it and don't use the chemical creams. Wounds were healed within three days!
Also calendula extract mixed into coconut oil or extracted from leaves into the slowly heated oil. But for our problems (which were heavy) the coconut oil was sufficient!
Calendula! A holistic doc I went to 20 years ago gave me some ‘homemade’ calendula salve for my scars from many surgeries.