Iβve studied history all my life, itβs fascinating. Now that I am pilled I look at history through a different lens. Itβs amazing to see how the same grift has been run for thousands of years. The amazing part is that itβs so simple to identify once you understand the playbook.
The signs, patterns, and connections are obvious once you realize they are possible. The trick to keeping the "official narrative" of history is to make people believe that everything is separate.
For instance, the Scythian empire according to "official history" spanned a huge region, pretty much all of what became the USSR (justifying that is outside of the scope of this short diatribe, but even the official narrative comes close to saying that). Once you start digging in you realize it spanned not just all that space and more at times, but far longer in time as well. Official history calls out all these "separate tribes" in the regions, or as they call it "separate Khanates" (Khanate is equivalent to Kingdom), but when you look into these "different Kingdoms" in time and space, they are the same exact people doing the same exact thing in the same exact way with the same exact customs, form of government, and a continuity of culture. It was a multi-ethnic Empire, that spanned millennia (all the way up until the 20th century), that has been erased from history by forced disconnection.
You might know the Scythians as the Tartarians, a name they acquired around the time that the Khan of Khans AKA Genghis Khan won the "election" for that job. Another such Khan of Khans most people have heard of was Atalla the Hun, but there were quite a few throughout history. Such Khan of Khans happened about every couple hundred years or so. Such was fundamental to their form of governance.
When there wasn't a Khan of Khans the different Khanates were somewhat separated (like the different States in the United States), but were still fundamentally linked by culture, custom, form of government (at any point a new Khan of Khans could be elected by the "show of strength" process), and through Tribute.
They were a highly mobile people, with lots of roads across the vast steppes and through the mountains, with infrastructure and towns for crossing at the rivers, etc., thus they were able to maintain trade, culture, internal immigration/emigration and governance in the region. They were a lot like the United States, with the massive amount of interchange we have between the States through the Treaty we call the Constitution.
They had an elite class (the Royal Scythians) and they intermarried between Khanates and with external Kingdoms as well. These external Kingdoms (Parthia, Seleucia, Greece, India, Rome, etc.) were most (or possibly all) founded by them, and they all paid tribute to them, though at some points I think they declared independence and maintained it for a while (even centuries), depending on many factors. This makes these other Kingdoms not exactly "external" (at least when they were paying tribute), but more like Puerto Rico is to the US.
It is through tribute that they ruled not only externally, but internally as well. The various Royal Scythians would take over the various other clans and demand tribute. The stronger you are, the more clans pay you tribute. If you are strong enough, everyone pays you tribute (Khan of Khans) and you expand your borders. It happened all the time. For example, the "Goths" that caused the "fall of the Roman Empire" (which isn't really what happened at all) were the Scythians. Official history says they were "forced to migrate by the Huns," but the Huns and the Goths were both the same people, just different Khanates. They worked together, as they ALWAYS worked together (because that was their culture and form of government) under the direction of Attila the Hun (and his predecessors and successors, but largely attributed to Attila) to subjugate the Roman Empire and force them to pay Tribute (not for the first time).
By the 20th century, the Scythian/Tartarian Empire had been in decline for centuries due to the rebellion of the Moscovy Khanate (what we think of as the European part of Russia/Poland), a Khanate that declared independence from Greater Scythia and succeeded in not being retaken, starting in the 16th century. The Scythians, under the name Tartarians, were finally and purposefully wiped out of history (pages 31-41, Russia and her Colonies by Walter Kolartz, 1952) during the reign of Lenin and Stalin through the first and second Alphabetic Revolutions, which forced everyone to adopt the same alphabet, thus making their history books unreadable. They also confiscated all the history books, but by changing the alphabet and forcing re-education, it ensured that any books that remained would remain in obscurity forever (or close enough to).
Now of course, if the rest of the world were not compliant, you couldn't really wipe out an entire Empire from the history books, but they were compliant, because there was already an effective One World Government. Rockefeller et al took over the training of historians, and the re-writing of history world wide and ensured that the Scythians/Tartarians would be erased forever.
Of course some evidence remains, and I have many details in my report on the subject which I will publish at some point, but what most people find about the "Tartarians" is obfuscated by associating it with other evidence that isn't about the Tartarians (giants, architecture, etc.). Because the Tartarian evidence is mixed in with giant and architecture evidence that has nothing to do with Tartaria, it causes people to not look at the really good evidence of a forgotten Tartarian Empire, nor the direct link to the Scythians. Everyone is off on a wild goose chase (AKA Controlled Opposition).
Literally every historian prior to the 20th century names the Tartarians the Scythians. See:
There are numerous other examples where it is proclaimed, in no uncertain terms, that the Tartarians are just the Scythians.
EVERYONE says they are the same group of people, a continuity of culture and governance. But after the 20th century, everyone says that the Scythian Empire died in the second century, and Tartaria is just "a place on the maps that the European cartographers didn't understand," even though every river, mountain, town and village is clearly labeled, the borders are clearly defined, and they had their own flag. There isn't a good reason given, and official history calls Attila the Hun a Scythian (300 years after their supposed demise), but that sort of thing will happen when you try to eliminate an Empire that ruled most of the world for three millennia or more.
The point is, the fraud is pulled off by purposeful disconnection ("no continuity of culture and governance in the Khanates", etc.), and by creating fraudulent connection (giants, etc.).
History has been disconnected. Even "the fall of the Roman Empire" never really happened. We STILL live in the Roman Empire (or at least some of our Laws were Roman Laws, and the continuity of Law remained through time). Though we may be (legally) the Scythian Empire. Our One World Government is still exactly the same as theirs (You Keep What You Kill from Necromunda, or the Dothraki). The world has been fooled. Nothing of our past is what it appears to be.
What are they really hiding?
Well, for one thing, the Khazarians are Scythians. But they also are the Magogians (Gog and Magog from the bible). So... what does that imply?
Iβve studied history all my life, itβs fascinating. Now that I am pilled I look at history through a different lens. Itβs amazing to see how the same grift has been run for thousands of years. The amazing part is that itβs so simple to identify once you understand the playbook.
The signs, patterns, and connections are obvious once you realize they are possible. The trick to keeping the "official narrative" of history is to make people believe that everything is separate.
For instance, the Scythian empire according to "official history" spanned a huge region, pretty much all of what became the USSR (justifying that is outside of the scope of this short diatribe, but even the official narrative comes close to saying that). Once you start digging in you realize it spanned not just all that space and more at times, but far longer in time as well. Official history calls out all these "separate tribes" in the regions, or as they call it "separate Khanates" (Khanate is equivalent to Kingdom), but when you look into these "different Kingdoms" in time and space, they are the same exact people doing the same exact thing in the same exact way with the same exact customs, form of government, and a continuity of culture. It was a multi-ethnic Empire, that spanned millennia (all the way up until the 20th century), that has been erased from history by forced disconnection.
You might know the Scythians as the Tartarians, a name they acquired around the time that the Khan of Khans AKA Genghis Khan won the "election" for that job. Another such Khan of Khans most people have heard of was Atalla the Hun, but there were quite a few throughout history. Such Khan of Khans happened about every couple hundred years or so. Such was fundamental to their form of governance.
When there wasn't a Khan of Khans the different Khanates were somewhat separated (like the different States in the United States), but were still fundamentally linked by culture, custom, form of government (at any point a new Khan of Khans could be elected by the "show of strength" process), and through Tribute.
They were a highly mobile people, with lots of roads across the vast steppes and through the mountains, with infrastructure and towns for crossing at the rivers, etc., thus they were able to maintain trade, culture, internal immigration/emigration and governance in the region. They were a lot like the United States, with the massive amount of interchange we have between the States through the Treaty we call the Constitution.
They had an elite class (the Royal Scythians) and they intermarried between Khanates and with external Kingdoms as well. These external Kingdoms (Parthia, Seleucia, Greece, India, Rome, etc.) were most (or possibly all) founded by them, and they all paid tribute to them, though at some points I think they declared independence and maintained it for a while (even centuries), depending on many factors. This makes these other Kingdoms not exactly "external" (at least when they were paying tribute), but more like Puerto Rico is to the US.
It is through tribute that they ruled not only externally, but internally as well. The various Royal Scythians would take over the various other clans and demand tribute. The stronger you are, the more clans pay you tribute. If you are strong enough, everyone pays you tribute (Khan of Khans) and you expand your borders. It happened all the time. For example, the "Goths" that caused the "fall of the Roman Empire" (which isn't really what happened at all) were the Scythians. Official history says they were "forced to migrate by the Huns," but the Huns and the Goths were both the same people, just different Khanates. They worked together, as they ALWAYS worked together (because that was their culture and form of government) under the direction of Attila the Hun (and his predecessors and successors, but largely attributed to Attila) to subjugate the Roman Empire and force them to pay Tribute (not for the first time).
By the 20th century, the Scythian/Tartarian Empire had been in decline for centuries due to the rebellion of the Moscovy Khanate (what we think of as the European part of Russia/Poland), a Khanate that declared independence from Greater Scythia and succeeded in not being retaken, starting in the 16th century. The Scythians, under the name Tartarians, were finally and purposefully wiped out of history (pages 31-41, Russia and her Colonies by Walter Kolartz, 1952) during the reign of Lenin and Stalin through the first and second Alphabetic Revolutions, which forced everyone to adopt the same alphabet, thus making their history books unreadable. They also confiscated all the history books, but by changing the alphabet and forcing re-education, it ensured that any books that remained would remain in obscurity forever (or close enough to).
Now of course, if the rest of the world were not compliant, you couldn't really wipe out an entire Empire from the history books, but they were compliant, because there was already an effective One World Government. Rockefeller et al took over the training of historians, and the re-writing of history world wide and ensured that the Scythians/Tartarians would be erased forever.
Of course some evidence remains, and I have many details in my report on the subject which I will publish at some point, but what most people find about the "Tartarians" is obfuscated by associating it with other evidence that isn't about the Tartarians (giants, architecture, etc.). Because the Tartarian evidence is mixed in with giant and architecture evidence that has nothing to do with Tartaria, it causes people to not look at the really good evidence of a forgotten Tartarian Empire, nor the direct link to the Scythians. Everyone is off on a wild goose chase (AKA Controlled Opposition).
Literally every historian prior to the 20th century names the Tartarians the Scythians. See:
Petes, 1722
Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the World page 758 (and many other references in that book).
The History of the World, or, An Account of Time by Petau, 1659, page 720
There are numerous other examples where it is proclaimed, in no uncertain terms, that the Tartarians are just the Scythians.
EVERYONE says they are the same group of people, a continuity of culture and governance. But after the 20th century, everyone says that the Scythian Empire died in the second century, and Tartaria is just "a place on the maps that the European cartographers didn't understand," even though every river, mountain, town and village is clearly labeled, the borders are clearly defined, and they had their own flag. There isn't a good reason given, and official history calls Attila the Hun a Scythian (300 years after their supposed demise), but that sort of thing will happen when you try to eliminate an Empire that ruled most of the world for three millennia or more.
The point is, the fraud is pulled off by purposeful disconnection ("no continuity of culture and governance in the Khanates", etc.), and by creating fraudulent connection (giants, etc.).
History has been disconnected. Even "the fall of the Roman Empire" never really happened. We STILL live in the Roman Empire (or at least some of our Laws were Roman Laws, and the continuity of Law remained through time). Though we may be (legally) the Scythian Empire. Our One World Government is still exactly the same as theirs (You Keep What You Kill from Necromunda, or the Dothraki). The world has been fooled. Nothing of our past is what it appears to be.
What are they really hiding?
Well, for one thing, the Khazarians are Scythians. But they also are the Magogians (Gog and Magog from the bible). So... what does that imply?
The only goal they have in mind is to conquer and destroy the world to get what they want, then do it all over again.