posted ago by HueyLongAdmirer ago by HueyLongAdmirer +16 / -0

We are under what's called a "Red Flag Warning". Seems that the past week, the weather we've had is conducive to forest fires.

Problem is, that's all bullshiite.

The past week, the weather has been unusually warm, but not like red hot. Before that, we had a winter that lasted constantly into early April, with new snowfall every few days but no blizzards or major snowstorm this year in which the snow would evaporate after a brief period of 30s weather, We've also had periods of winter rain as well.

Only a quiche-eating liberal hermit wouldn't know that dryness, lack of precipitation, triggers forest fires. Our state isn't like California; we never have true wildfires in our state, and forest fires are rare. But now the state with the help of the establishment media is breathlessly warning us about this "Red Flag Warning" horseshit.

One wonders if Gavin Newsom concocted this idea and spread it to his fellow Dumbocrat governors. Is this a tool to some kind of takeover?