I believe the horror goes FAR beyond stem cells and organ trafficking. Most of us have heard the story of children in cages at AF bases. Networks of underground DUMB's, as well. Alefantis talked about The Farm, an allusion to the CIA MK Ultra Farm program.
Currently, the entire abortion debate is being boiled down to bickering over a pill. The Deep State is suddenly very interested in the abortion industry and is using their media to shift the narrative. This has renewed my speculation of many things found early in the Pizzagate investigation, and going back to the Franklin Sandal and Paul Bonacci. Here's his story:
Aside from this form of procurement there are also baby farms such as the John of God operation. Then there is the surrogate industry. Many women from poor countries are willing surrogates to make money. No telling how many are produced to term in this fashion.
There is a huge billboard in Conroe Texas. Be a surrogate and make $65,000. I could not believe it but I saw it driving.