Manufacturers of lab-grown meat like to say that their product is indistinguishable from real meat. It isn’t a copy, nor replica, nor approximation of real meat: it is real meat. But this isn’t true. In actual fact, lab-grown meat cells differ from typical animal cells in at least one fundamental regard: they will replicate eternally if placed under the right conditions. As a result, they are functionally indistinguishable from cancer. They are cancer.
If these people were simply just greedy, consider that in a free market no one would ever consider this product a good idea to make money. There is no demand for this. They just really badly want people to eat cancer. Not much more to it.
Manufacturers of lab-grown meat like to say that their product is indistinguishable from real meat. It isn’t a copy, nor replica, nor approximation of real meat: it is real meat. But this isn’t true. In actual fact, lab-grown meat cells differ from typical animal cells in at least one fundamental regard: they will replicate eternally if placed under the right conditions. As a result, they are functionally indistinguishable from cancer. They are cancer.
If these people were simply just greedy, consider that in a free market no one would ever consider this product a good idea to make money. There is no demand for this. They just really badly want people to eat cancer. Not much more to it.