Anyone have knowledge of what has been going on in Florida the past 20 years?
Did Jeb Bush really sign into law a forced vaccination protocol?
Can't find anthing on the squeaky clean intra-net.
Anyone have knowledge of what has been going on in Florida the past 20 years?
Did Jeb Bush really sign into law a forced vaccination protocol?
Can't find anthing on the squeaky clean intra-net.
I wouldn't doubt it. Jeb sold our secret missile technology to China along with a representative of Florida Tom Feeney. Jeb and Karl Rove ushered in the electronic voting machines, and he wrecked education with the constant development of testing. And he overdeveloped the state with ticky tacky neighborhoods.
try and walk in on a town's open employment fair in the last half hour and be told it was closed.
I immediately reported it to the police non emergency line.
Any lawyers want dibs on this one ?
He’ll never have my vote! If something happens to President Trump, I’ll vote Kennedy in!
"If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine, if there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to vaccinate or treat the individual." In the mass frenzy to applaud Governor DeSantis for banning Vaccine Passports, this section of the law was paid little attention. While this exact wording already exists in 2018 Florida Statute 281.00315
I thank you for your efforts and will use it in the quest for truth.
That was actually signed into law by Ron Desantis on May 3, 2021. S.B. 2006 banned the use of vaccine passports in FL, but allows for the FL Dept. of Health to force vaccinate its citizens upon a declared health emergency.
Its in the 2018 4b,
Thanks for your work, the Talahasee Democrat did shoddy work reporting this and I felt the pedes could make short work of that. I was not able to find this wording in SP2006 by the way.